What is Yoga ?

What is Yoga Yoga is not an ancient myth buried in oblivion. It is the most valuable inheritance of the present. It is the essential need of today and the culture of tomorrow. – Swami Satyananda Saraswati I am currently a student of  Post Graduation in Yogic Science from Dehradun and recently finished my mid semester just before the new years . Phew!! ……. So now i have jotted down some of my learning. In first class yogic science we starter answering this basic question of What is Yoga? We were around 20 students and each had a different answer, some said it was physical exercise were as some said it was meditation, some even mentioned it as religion. We took almost 4 months just to understand the meaning and philosophy of Yoga and my dear lady it is not easy ………..(let me tell you, we had loads of fun while learning it, Oh!!! our teachers use to get tired of our ways, yet love it !!  …. I don’t remember any day when we have not received scolding by our teachers….. its wonderful when you meet  friends for life). Here is some concept of yoga taught to use by our … Continue reading What is Yoga ?