
Face Cleansing Steps

face cleaning steps

Face Cleansing Steps

Are you completely aware of the importance of washing your face daily?

Although it may seem like another simple part of your nighttime routine, it

is far more significant then that. Cleaning your face is one of the most

crucial hygiene tasks that you should be doing every single day. But what is

face cleansing exactly and what steps should you be taking? Continue

reading to find out.

What Is Face Cleansing?

Face cleansing is not just your typical face wash or soap and there are

multiple reasons why. To start off, face cleansers are products made to clean

your face thoroughly by getting rid of all the extra build up that accumulates

on your face daily. Products come in many different forms for various uses.

Whether you’re wearing make-up, sunscreen, or even going bare face,

molecules build up over time and without the proper tools and products, they

will just sit there.

On the other hand, face washing is typically just the use of a general soap.

Face cleansers contain different products then the average soap that have

distinct purposes. These purposes can include, but are not limited to, being

more gentle, moisturizing the skin, soaking of the pores to get all the dirt

out, and even to get rid of those dead skin cells.

Face cleansing is extremely important if you want the most clear, clean, and

healthy skin. Most dermatologists say that you should even be cleansing

your face up to two times every single day. So where should you start? Let’s

first break the different products down.

What Types Of Face Cleansing Products Are There?

As more and more people become aware of the importance of face

cleansing, companies have come out with a variety of products to choose

from. Below is a list of examples of these various products.

1. Foam CleansersFoam cleansers are used with a small amount of water to lather onto

the face. This type of cleanser removes the top layer of dirt and oil

from the skin and is similar to a normal soap. However, it is made

with those different ingredients then your average soap.

2. Micellar Cleansers

This product has a very similar texture to water and contains

extremely small molecules that push the dirt and dead skin cells out of

the pores. These are mainly used to get products such as make-up and

dirt off rather then an actual deep cleanse.

3. Gel Cleansers

This product is complementary to foam cleansers, but have a heavier

consistency when combined with water. It also has the same general

purpose as the foam cleanser but a different consistency.

4. Cream (or lotion) Cleansers

This type of cleanser is used to moisturize the face. It is often applied

after one of the previous products are used. This product will bring

your dry skin back to life but hydrating and smoothing the skin.

5. Oil Cleansers

This is another product that is often used to take off make-up and

sunscreen. Because of its oily consistency, this is often used before

another face soap is used.

6. Soap Bar Cleansers

Another form for the cleansing soap, this product is packed into a bar

that is meant to go directly on the face. The benefits of this specific

cleanser are that its roughness can actually scrub off dead skin cells to

bring the new, healthy ones forward.

7. Clay CleanserClay cleansers are made for the use of a facemask, where you leave

the product on the face for a certain period of time before rinsing it

off. This allows the product to really soak up all the dirt and excess oil

from the face.

8. Cleansing Wipes

Last but not least, the product is used as a quick fix to get make-up,

sunscreen, and other particles off of the face. However, it is not the

best for actually getting the dirt off of the face.

So How Should You Really Clean Your Face?

The first step in successful face cleaning method is to use a product to get

the top layer of dirt or make-up off the skin. Most dermatologists

recommend using a Micellar or Oil cleaner to be the most effective in doing

so. By doing this, you are taking any unnatural products off so that the

second cleanser can do its job.

Once you have that top layer off, you should then use another product to do

a deep cleanse, such as a foam or gel product. Once applied generously,

rinse off with lukewarm water. This will get those natural and deep particles

off your face and out from your pores. This step is extremely important, as it

is the part of the process that completely cleans out everything that is not

supposed to be on or in your skin.

The third step should be to use some sort of serum to brighten and hydrate

your skin. This also allows you to target your problem areas, such as using a

serum to target dry skin or anti aging, to maximize the effectiveness of your

cleansing treatment. Once you figure out what product would work best for

you personally during this step, extensive research on different brands and

particular ingredients will be an important task. Try to use more natural

brands so that you are not putting any unwanted chemicals on your face.

Lastly, you will want to add a moisturizer. Moisturizing is extremely

important as it not only helps dry skin, but it also plays a huge role in anti

aging and keeping your skin young. The more hydrated your skin is, the less

likely it is to wrinkle and crack, which is what causes those fine lines.

Moisturizers also tend to have sunscreen in them, which is also something

that you should be applying to your face daily. The Double Cleansing Method

A new, but popular, method of face cleansing that has come along recently is

the double cleansing method. The double cleansing method is the use of two

products back to back. The first product is some sort of oil-based method to

take off the top layer of dirt, make-up, and such. The second product is then

an actual soap based product that you should have to rinse off with after.

This method allows for that second product to get the best out of its use due

to the first oily product getting rid of that top layer of debris. Since its not

trying to get past any make-up or dirt, the second cleanser works better by

being able to really get deep in your pores to do a very successful clean out.

So, Where Do I Go From Here?

No matter what you struggle with, you can easily create a face cleansing

routine to target all of your problem areas. That’s the beauty of skin care; it’s

your own personal preferences! Once you figure out the best products for

your situation, you will be sure to see results once you stick to a plan!

No matter what you choose to do and/or use, just remember the importance

of keeping your skin clean, hydrated, and protected. You’re skin will most

defiantly thank you in years to come!

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