
Abhar Vidhi  – Attitude of Gratitude

Abhar Vidhi  – Attitude of Gratitude

This is a very commonly heard phrase heard in spiritual world, lets see what it actually means in my journey of spirituality

As per the online dictionary

Attitude means a settled way of thinking or feeling about something. This can be synonyms to point of viewviewviewpoint, vantage point, frame of mind, way of thinking, way of looking at things, school of thought, outlookangleslantperspectivereactionstancestandpointpositioninclinationorientationapproach.

Now lets see what Gratitude is, The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness. We can also say that gratitude is gratefulness, thankfulness, thanks, appreciation, recognition, acknowledgementcreditregardrespect.

Now that we are clear of the literally meaning of Attitude of Gratitude let me tell you why am I writing about it ?.

Being an Indian, Maharashatrian right from birth we had this thing in our household that whenever we fasted the next meal whichever that was would be started with a prayer after circling the food with water while sitting on the floor (Till date my mother brother and sister in law have food while sitting on the floor in sukhasana).

This prayer included thanking the Almighty for the food and everything given to me till date. When I was a kid I really did not understand the meaning of the Shloka (meaning Verses) that we uttered but I knew that it was the feast day for the family.

When I was initiated in Reiki Level 1 in the first class My Guru told us about Attitude of Gratitude I was really enthralled by the rhythmic sound of it. When she went on teaching about it I realized that I did this right from the time I was a kid. My Guru started explaining the importance given to it in Reiki.

Whenever we start a session say Attitude of Gratitude prayer, It’s that important……….

According to Dr. Usui, it is through living a life filled with gratitude that we can effect great and lasting change in our lives, thereby promoting inner healing. Doing so enables us to go from living in our “ego self” to our “God self”.

Reiki is the gift of unconditional love that comes from the heart – the God self. Living in our heart center helps us live life to the fullest – enjoying the blessings of unconditional love for ourselves and for others.

Today when I have evolved from just a girl Aarti to A spiritual seeker Aarti even the smallest mundane daily chore has become an opportunity to connect with God.

I constantly express gratitude for every small or big piece of learning and guidance the universe provides to me. I see each life situation as an opportunity to move beyond the veil of my self-imposed delusion of separateness while marveling and enjoying the beauty of life and universe.

Sometimes I have my bouts of unpleasing responses at such times I have learnt that with Attitude of Gratitude comes forgiveness not just for other but also forgiving ourselves of our own shortcomings, take the lesson and move forward with it. So next time when I am in the same situation I can use the previous experience and deal with more compassion.

Along with practicing Reiki as a Grand Master I keep myself grounded with Yoga and Meditation which I am studying in depth from Uttaranchal Ayurvedic College in a course of Post Graduation in Yogic Science. Every night when I go to bed I thank the almighty cosmic energy which keeps me alive, gives me oxygen to breathe, food to eat, roof over my head and a loving husband of mine who means a world to me.

Today when I am styding texts from Yogasutra of Patanjali, Gherand Samhita and Hathapradipika trying to unfold the philosophy of spirituality from the great Sages of India while trying to learn difference between religion and spirituality. My focus has shifted from being self centered to being self aware – my thoughts, words and actions.

Having found my purpose in life, I see what the poet Robert Frost meant when he said, “My object in living is to unite my avocation and my vocation, as my two eyes make one in sight.”

To end with I would like to share the Attitude of Gratitude prayer which I use in my every Reiki session.

“I thank the cosmic energy of Reiki for being here,

I thank myself for being here,

I thank (name ….) for being here,

I thank Dr Usui, my spiritual Gurus, teachers and my parents for helping me.

Reiki has healed and cured (name…) right here and right now.”

I utter these words with full faith in each and every alphabet and see miracles happen.

Dear Friends, please treat this article as a wakeup call. Start developing what we mentioned today. It does not matter what words you use. What matters is that you feel the gratitude in your heart!

Love light,


This article was written in 2017 by me when I was studying Yoga I though of reposting it here for the readers to know more about me.

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