
Ayurvedic Herbal Hair Oil Recipe

Ayurvedic Herbal Hair Oil Recipe Ingredients

Today I will be sharing with you a recipe that is so dear to me. I have been making this ayurvedic herbal hair oil since ages and love the effect that it has on my hair.

Every year I make a big batch of this hair oil and share it with family and friends so much so that they always pre book the oil with me.

I have shared this recipe on my youtube channel as well and many of the viewers asked me to write the recipe down so here I am making a blogpost of whole of the recipe.

Recipe for Herbal Hair Oil

  1. Behada / Bibhitaki / Belleric myrobalan
    2.Ektalispatta / Talispatra
    3.Nagarmotha / Nut grass
    5.Vaacha / Bad . Sweet Flag
    6.Ratanjyot / Laljadi / Alkanet Root
    7.Chirapatta / Chirata
    8.Kale Til / Black Sesame Seeds
    9.Bel Dadiyal
    12.Haouz Beej / Kahu Beej
    13.Neem Patta
    14.Mulchadi / Mulethi / Licorice / Yasthimadhu
    16.Neem Chal
    21.Rosehip seeds

Oils phase

25.Sesame Oil
26.Almond Oil
27.Castor oil
28.Jamaican Castor Oil
29.Vitamin E
30.Onion Seed Oil
31.Rosemary Essential Oil
32.Peppermint Crystals
33.Bheemsen Kapur

Optional Ingredients

34.Lavender Oil
35.Lemongrass Oil
36.Peppermint Oil
37.Calendula Infused Oil

Herbal Hair Oil Ingredient Information

1)Behada / Bibhitaki / Belleric myrobalan

Botanical name – Terminalia Bellirica
Family – Combretaceae

Rasa ( Taste ) – Kashaya ( Astringent)
Guna ( qualities) – Ruksha ( dry ), Laghu ( light )
Veerya ( potency ) – Ushna ( hot )
Effect on Dosha – it balances Kapha and Pitta doshas

The Kashaya ie astringent and ruksha ie dry quality of behada is very useful to promote hair growth and control dandruff. They help the scalp to remain dry and prevents dandruff. It enhances the growth of hair and makes hair thick and healthy. If the hair is healthy then premature greying of hair can be avoided.

2)Ektalispatta / Talispatra

Botanical name – Abies Webbiana
Family – Pinaceae

Rasa ( Taste ) – Madhur ( sweet ) Tikta ( bitter )
Guna ( qualities) – Tikshna ( sharp ), Laghu ( light )
Veerya ( potency ) – Ushna ( hot )
Effect on Dosha – it balances Kapha and Vata doshas

Talispatra are also known as Indian Silver fir. It is from pine family which is very common from the region I belong to ie Himlayan Region. It is of hot potency which helps relieve kapha and vata doshas.

It is antiinflammatory, antibacterial, antifungal and works on nervous system depressant and relieve anxiety. It also helps to relief cough and cold and nasal congestion. It also helps to remove toxins from the body. Once our body is healthy it is shown in the hair therefore I add this herb to make body free from daily cough and cold and in turn it helps the hair to be healthy and glowing.

3)Nagarmotha / Nut grass

Botanical name – Cyperus Rotundus
Family – Cyperaceae

Rasa ( Taste ) – Tikta ( bitter ) Kashaya ( astrigent ) and Katu ( pungent )
Guna ( qualities) – Laghu ( light )
Veerya ( potency ) – Sheeta ( Cold )
Effect on Dosha – it balances Kapha and Pitta doshas

I love the smell of this herb. In ancient India they use to use this herb as a perfeum or kept inbetween the clothes so that they smell amazing and fresh.

Nagarmotha is know for its effects on dandruff. It helps to reduce hair fall associated with dandruff.
It also removes excessive dryness from the scalp region. It also help in skin issues like eczema and reduced itching due to eczema on the scalp.

Nagarmotha has as calming effect on the head and reduces stress and pain. It gives the hair good amount of nutrients which in turn helps our hair to grow healthy.


Botanical name – Eclipta Alba
Family – Asteraceae

Rasa ( Taste ) – Tikta ( bitter ) Katu ( pungent )
Guna ( qualities) – Laghu ( light ) and Ruksha ( Dry )
Veerya ( potency ) – Ushna ( hot )
Effect on Dosha – it balances Kapha as well as Vata doshas

I cant say enough of this herb it is multifaceted and versatile herb. It is known for improving the quality of hair and skin. Therefore most of the herbal hair oils have bringaraja in them. It prevents graying of hair and helps hair get strong and long.

It also reduces split hair and very effective on dandruff that can be detrimental to the hair.

5)Vaacha / Bad . Sweet Flag

Botanical name – Acrous Calamu Linn
Family – Araceae

Rasa ( Taste ) – Tikta ( bitter ) Katu ( pungent )
Guna ( qualities) – Laghu ( light )
Veerya ( potency ) – Ushna ( hot )
Effect on Dosha – it balances Kapha as well as Vata doshas

6)Ratanjyot / Laljadi / Alkanet Root / Onosma / Orchanet / Damini Balchad

Botanical name – Arnebia Nobilis
Family – Boraginaceae

Medicinal properties

Rasa ( taste) – Tikshna ( Sharp )
Guna ( qualities ) – Ropana ( wound healing )
Veerya – Ushna ( hot potency)
Effect on Dosha – It balances Pitta

Alkanet Root herb used in Ayurveda preparations for its compounds such as alkannin and shikonin which exhibit anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.

Ratanjot is a family of plants in boraginaceae which impart deep red colour to the carrier medium.

Ratanjot is very effective in preventing hair fall and strengthen the hair. IT helps with fungal infections and eczema.

7)Chirapatta / Chirata

Botanical name – Swertia Chirata Buch Ham
Family – Gentianaceae

Medicinal properties

Rasa ( taste) – Tikta ( bitter )
Guna ( qualities ) – Laghu ( light )
Veerya – Sheet ( cold )
Effect on Dosha – It balances Pitta and Kapha dosha

Chirapatta or Chirata is a native herb to me and very commonly found near where I live. This herb is found in the lower Himalayan region.

It helps in treating eczema which effects the hair follicle which can lead to hair fall.
Chirapatta help reduce inflammation and ropana ie healing the skin of scalp. It is also helps in wound healing and give skin natural structure.

It has antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties help in wound healing thus helping us to maintain a healthy scalp

8)Kale Til / Black Sesame Seeds

Botanical name – Swertia Chirata Buch Ham
Family – Gentianaceae

Medicinal properties

Rasa ( taste) – Tikta ( bitter ) Madhura ( Sweet )
Guna ( qualities ) – Sukshma ( minute )
Veerya – Ushna ( hot )
Effect on Dosha – It balances Vata and Kapha dosha

Ayurveda’s almost 50% of oil preparations are with til oil. So if this miraculous herb was not there I don’t know how we could have made this beautiful formula.
Til or Sesame come in 2 varieties black and white. Black till are with the husk where as white ones are without.
It is written in veda that black sesame seeds are best white are of medium quality and the rest of sesame ie red are of lower quality.
Sesame improves the quality of skin and hair. It promotes reduces hair fall and prevents premature greying.

9)Bel Dadiyal

Botanical name – Aegle Marmelos Correa
Family – Rutecaece

Medicinal properties

Rasa ( taste) – Tikta ( bitter ) Katu ( pungent )
Guna ( qualities ) – Laghu ( light)
Veerya – Ushna ( hot )
Effect on Dosha – It balances Vata and Kapha dosha

When we were little whenever we had stomach upset due to indigestion our mummy use to give us bael fruit pickle to eat which was very tasty and within few hours our stomach was back to normal. I still remember buying Bael Achar from Kritikar Bros in Girgaum before going to any trips as a remedy to fix stomach issues.

Bael is a Indian origin fruit which is known for it spiritual and medicinal properties.
Bael patta is usually offered to Lord Shiva. The three leaves of bael mean triloka I.e Heaven, Earth and Patal all are surrendered to Shiva.
All parts of Bael tree are useful and help in different chronic issues.

Hair problems like dandruff and itchy scalp usually are due to increased Kapha dosha in us. Bael helps to relief from kapha dosha and balance the tridoshas.
It also helps in removing excess oil from the hair and make hair naturally heathy and shiny


Botanical name – Acacia Concinna
Family – Mimosaceae

Medicinal properties

Rasa ( taste) – Tikta ( bitter )
Guna ( qualities ) – Laghu ( light)
Veerya – Sheeta ( Cool )
Effect on Dosha – Increases Vata Dosha

This is the oldest known herb to human that is used for hair specifically.
When I had started growing my during teen years my mother used to make a mixture of shikakai and reeta as a natural hair wash and for the longest time I used this instead of soap.
Event today people who follow no poo trend use this as a safe way to wash hair.
It works are hair conditioner, strengthens the hair roots, cleanses the hair, relieves itching and dryness from hair and greasiness of scalp.


Botanical name – Emblica Officinallis Gaertn or Phallanthis emblica Linn
Family – Phyllanthaceae

Medicinal properties

Rasa ( taste) – has all the five taste ( sour, sweet, bitter, astringent and pungent ) dominanat is sour taste
Guna ( qualities ) – Guru ( heavy )
Veerya – Sheeta ( Cool )
Effect on Dosha – It balances all the Dosha

Amla is the one of the oldest remedies for all hair problems it balances all the Doshas
therefore it is in almost all the hair remedy. This is the reason it is also called as
Tridosha hara meaning balances or pacifies all the three doshas of the body.

It works amazing with all the ingredients in this herbal hair oil

12)Haouz Beej / Kahu Beej

13)Neem Patta

Botanical name – Azadiracha Indica

Family – Meliaceae

Medicinal properties

Rasa ( taste) – Kashaya (Astringent) and Tikta (Bitter)
Guna ( qualities ) – Laghu (Light ) Rooksha ( Dry)
Veerya – Sheeta ( Cool )
Effect on Dosha – It balances Pitta and Kapha Dosha

Neem Patta or Neem Patra is an anti fungal, anti bacterial anti viral and a super
ingredient for treating overall body ailments.
I remember when we were little and we had chicken pox my mother had used these
leaves to give us bath and it was all around the house if we felt like scraching mother
used to use these leaves to scratch us.
It is the best herb to be used in medicinal and cosmetic skin care products be it shampoo soap or balms.

14) Mulchadi / Mulethi / Licorice / Yasthimadhu

Botanical name – Glycyrrhiza Glabra

Family – Fabaceae

Medicinal properties

Rasa ( taste) – Madhura ( Sweet )
Guna ( qualities ) – Guru ( Heavy ), Snigdha ( Uncutuos )
Veerya – Sheeta ( Cool )
Effect on Dosha – It balances Pitta and Vata Dosha

Mulchadi is an age old remedy for varierty of ailments like cough cold and sorethroat.
Licorice is helps in reducing premature graying of hair with a lot of nutrients and
antioxidant. Its antibacterial properties help with reducing dandruff and itc
sensation. It helps with hair growth and super ingredient for your hair oil preparation.

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