
Asanena Bhaveddridham – Asanas bring Derermination

Asanena Bhaveddridham – Asanas bring Derermination

Asana is a Sanskrit word which mean “sitting condition” or “a steady and comfortable posture”. It is often confused that asana are physical exercises, ofcourse it is true to some extent because it has tremendous effect on the body, but that is not the ultimate purpose of asana.

Yoga of or yoking the mind and soul with the body to form a harmonious whole is the purpose of Asana. We use the tangible nature of the body to reach the intangible mind and eventually soul.

Asanas occupy the first place in Hatapradipika or Hathayoga while it forms the third part of  Yogasutra of Patanjali’s eight-fold yoga also called as ashtang yoga.

The fundamental requirement to lead a healthy and active life is to have healthiest mind and body. The ancient yogis realized these thousands of years ago ad for this reason developed a system of asanas.  Asanas evolved slowly through practice and because of this they have withstood the test of time.

Western culture has easily turned Yoga exercises into another form of superficial workout routines and, rather than having a holistic connection, many people are moving to a place of obsession with the body and its’ achievements.

Asana can be described as a physical state of the body such that the posture moves one into an existence of wholeness and steadiness allowing one to reflect inwards on the entire being.

Pointers to be observer for asanas

  • The place should be clean quiet and well ventilated
  • The area should be uncluttered
  • Try to use the same place everyday to built up atmosphere of peace
  • Best time to practice is before breakfast or after 3 hrs of eating food.
  • Evening is also a good time because all the muscles open by evening.
  • Clothing should be light as possible as per climatic condition
  • Breathing should be through nose and not through mouth. It should be deep
  • Close your eyes while performing to intensify the practice and built awareness
  • Do not hurry at any cost.
  • Start from simple asanas to the more complex

Next article I will discuss the types of asanas … all the technical shit :p which maybe you would like to know before doing an asana  or practicing yoga . I believe before practicing anything in life have one should have at least basic knowledge about it ……… Really there are so many yoga teacher who teach yoga but doing some asana which they are able to master but give out wrong techniques and knowledge I feel so sorry for them  because it is such an interesting and easy practice and how could you mess with it :0

Last but not least  I thank my friend Tejender to give me such a wonderful picture of Chakrasana.

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