
Shatkarma  Shodhanam – Six Cleansing Practices bringing Purification to Body in Yoga

Shatkarma  Shodhanam – Six Cleansing Practices bringing Purification to Body in Yoga

This is one of the articles I had written in 2017 when I was studying Masters in Yoga. It is a gimplse of yogic practices that you need to do to cleansen your body

Yogic science gives as much importance to certain cleansing practices as it does to asana and pranayama. Through the shatkarmas, harmonization of ida and pingala, the two main flows of prana, is established, resulting in the physical and mental purity and balance.

The shatkarmas also balance Vata- wind, Pitta- bile and Kapha- mucus, the three disorders created by the body. According to ayurveda and hatha yoga, any imbalance in these three disorders gives rise to disease. The shatkarmas are also utilized before pranayama and other higher practices of yoga so that the body becomes free from disease and does not create any obstacles on the spiritual path.

Six Main Shat Karma Practices

  1. Dhauti : Dhauti in English will mean washing. Cleansing of digestive tract.
  2. Basti : Colon Cleansing
  3. Neti: Nasal cleansing
  4. Lauliki: also called as Nauli. Abdominal massage
  5. Trataka: blinkless gazing
  6. Kapalbhati: purification and vitalization of the frontal lobes.

Each of these practices have sub groups which we be discussing in details in the coming articles if the readers want it.Each of these practices are designed to purify the whole body and bring about first class health. They also bring clarity and harmony to the mind.

Love light,


Original article link –

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