Beauty/ Home remedies

How to get glowing skin at home?

face pack photo

You can get a glowing skin by having a healthy lifestyle, and by making a colossal effort to take good care of your body and skin, using the bonafide makeup products and using the right skin care.

For getting the healthy and glowing skin, there must be a lot of diligence for maintaining the skin glow at home. In this article, I will tell you that how you can manage to take care of your skin and maintain its glow and glimmer with some home remedies and skin care.

Having an appropriate lifestyle and supporting skin integrity can improve and maintain your skin glimmer within a week, but for longer results, you have to

comply the following tips regularly

Firstly, you must Know your skin type. Either this is dry, sensitive, oily or normal kind of skin. It will help you to use the right skin care plus it will help you choosing the appropriate makeup products for your skin.

You should stick to a regular routine of Cleansing, moisturizing and toning twice a day on daily basis and after knowing your skin type you can select a proper cleanser, moisturizer and a toner for your skin.

Peeling mask too has a pivotal role in maintaining the skin glow. It should be used at least once in a week for smoothing your skin. You should use the peeling masks of some enzymes of natural fruits i.e. papaya and pineapple are the best peeling masks for skin care.

You must Steam up your face thrice a week. It will remove face impurities and clear the skin pores.

Excessive water intake is so momentous for maintaining the luminosity of the skin. Drinking lots of water makes you hydrated and fresh.

Natural fruits and vegetables are best for our skin care and

nourishment. Following are some natural remedies for maintaining the glow

and glimmer and these home remedies helps making your skin so blowsy

and glittery.

Home remedies for glowing skin

Banana mask


 1 ripe banana

 1 table spoon of honey

 A few drops of lemon


Take 1 tablespoon of honey, a banana which is completely

ripen and add some drops of lemon juice and mash them altogether thoroughly.

How to use:

1. Wash your face and pat it dry with clean towel and apply the mask on your


2. Use it daily for at least a month because banana when applied on the face, it helps tighten the skin.

Anti Tanning mask


 1 teaspoon of milk

 2 table spoons of oatmeal

 2 table spoons of tomato juice

 Orange pulp

 Poppy seeds


Add 1 teaspoon of milk and 2 table spoons of oatmeal. Then add some

orange pulp along with the 2 table spoons of tomato and few pinches of poppy

seeds. Blend and mix it well together to make it like a face pack.

How to use:

  1. Apply it on the clean face and neck.

2. Leave it until it gets dry and then wash it with luke warm water.

Milk adds glow to your skin and orange and tomato brighten up the skin

tone. It should be used thrice a week.

Milk Mask


 Milk

 Glycerin


Mix 2 tablespoons of milk and 1 table spoon of glycerin in a bowl and leave

it for sometimes.

How to use:

1.Wash your face with cold water. No dust particles should be

left on your face.

2. Apply the mask on your face and leave it for 15 minutes and

then rinse it with water.

It protects the skin from UV rays and softens the skin.

Papaya mask


 Papaya pulp

 Curd

 Lemon juice


Take a bowl and add some pulp of papaya into it and then add 1 tea spoon of

curd and 2 tea spoon of lemon juice in it.

How to use:

1. Apply the mask on face and wash it after twenty minutes.


Some other fruits i.e. apple, banana and orange could be mixed with papaya for better results. Because fruits rejuvenate and nourish the skin very well. Papaya removes the dead cells because it has enzymes in it.

Cucumber mask


 Cucumber pulp

 2 teaspoon powdered milk

 1 egg white


Add some pulp of cucumber, 2 tea spoons of powdered milk and egg white

of 1 egg in a blender and blend it very well for making the smooth paste.

How to use:

1. Wash your face and then apply the paste on face and neck.

2. Leave it for half an hour and then wash it with cold water.


Don’t add powdered milk if you have oily skin.

Turmeric mask


 1 tea spoon turmeric powder

 4 table spoons gram flour

 ½ cup of milk

 Some water


Take a bowl; add 1 tea spoon of turmeric powder along with 4 table spoons

of gram flour. Then add ½ cup of milk and 3 tea spoons of water. Mix it well to

form a soft paste.

How to use:

1. Apply the paste on your face and leave it for 15-20 minutes.

2. Then rinse your face with normal water.

Turmeric powder is anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory spice which

removes the wrinkles and fine lines from your face and maintains the skin

Aloe Vera Serum


 1 table spoon of Aloe Vera Gel

 Turmeric powder

 1 table spoon of honey

 1 table spoon of milk

 1 table spoon of sugar

 Lemon juice


Take 1 table spoon of Aloe Vera gel. Add a pinch of turmeric powder in it along with 1 table spoon of honey, milk and sugar. Squeeze a lemon in this mixture and make a fine paste.

How to use:

1. Apply this on your face and neck and leave it on your skin for about 20


2. Wash it with warm water. All the above natural remedies are very beneficial for the right skin care so excavate your home and acquire the best natural ingredients for maintaining the fluorescence of your skin!

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